我们为家长提供的免费在线正规买球十大平台, caretakers and students provide knowledge articles, 循序渐进的视觉指南, activities and materials to help all foster a devotion to learning.



  • 在线免费获得高中文凭

    by 瓦莱丽·柯克

    A teenage girl is taking notes during an online class

    在当今世界, the path to high school graduation no longer has to be a straight line from the neighborhood elementary school to your local school district’s brick-and-mortar high school. 随着学生的成长和变化, 他们的学习需求也是如此, 促使学生探索其他选择, 包括私人, 宪章, 还有虚拟学校, 继续他们的学习之旅.

    As students and families explore their school choices, they are often left wondering how to earn a high school diploma online for free.   

    One way is at a public virtual high school like 推荐正规买球平台. 就像在公立的实体学校一样, where students don’t pay tuition and receive their high school diplomas for free, students at public virtual high schools don’t pay tuition and earn their high school diploma online for free.  



    Choosing the right school is one of the hardest decisions that parents have to make. There are many reasons why parents may want to explore different school options for their student, and many find that virtual school fits their specific needs. 虚拟学校提供:

    • Flexible daily schedules, allowing students to complete their daily 课程安排, leaving time for family obligations or extracurricular activities and sports.  
    • 一个安全、 包容性学习环境 每个人都欢迎. 
    • 认证课程   
    • Teachers who are specially trained to teach online.  
    • 社会 经验 比如 现场课程和 在线俱乐部.   

    读一些 来自网络学校学生的故事 about their journeys to earn a high school diploma online and see how online school benefits each student’s individual needs.


    Graduation Requirements to Earn a Free Online 高中 Diploma  

    高中毕业要求 for 认可的在线高中 are set by the state where the school is based and mirror the state’s brick-and-mortar schools’ graduation requirements. Students enrolled in both types of public schools typically do the same number of credit hours, 上学的时间/天数相同, and must pass the same or similar state competency tests to graduate and receive their online high school diploma.

    Virtual high schools have guidance counselors who help guide students in their course selection to ensure they meet the state guidelines to receive their high school diploma. Many virtual schools also offer solutions to support students who may be missing credits.  

    Many virtual schools also offer in-person graduation ceremonies where students are presented with their high school diploma. Students can celebrate their achievement with friends and family!



    Public virtual schools are tuition-free, but there are some things families are responsible for. Depending on the grade, technology can play a significant part in the online school experience. Many virtual schools provide computers to their students at no cost. Virtual school families often find having a working computer helpful to have near the student’s 学习的空间—especially if their student is enrolled in middle school or high school online.   

    要求的文本和教学材料, which can be either digital or physical depending on your student’s grade level and state, 也是免费提供的吗. Virtual school students need most of the same supplies as brick-and-mortar public school students, 哪些必须由家庭购买. This includes school supplies like pencils, erasers, and notebooks. 

    Public virtual schools don’t charge fees to earn a high school diploma online. To graduate, students must simply meet their state’s graduation requirements.



    亡羊补牢,为时不晚 转到网上学校 and get your student on the path to earn their free high school diploma online. 你可以加入一个连接学院 会话信息 to learn more about public virtual schools and the application process.  

    了解更多 about how virtual school can help your student earn a high school diploma online for free. 

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Ready to learn about the tuition-free, accredited, online public school options in your area? Complete the form below to receive your free online school eGuide today.
